“I walked to the field hospital under the bombs and in the bad weather to have my annoying shot”
The12-year-old girl, a diabetic child in a field hospital waiting for the doctor, has been living under siege since two years (Above).
“Everything has become really boring. This is our only game now! I go out everyday to collect grass from the ground, which will be the food for my brothers and me.”
Mu’aed, 6 years old, has been living under siege since two years.
“The regime forces are now just stone’s throw from my house, so the time has come to flee. I’ve taken what I can carry. I don’t know if I’ll ever return to my home or not.”
He lived under siege for two years.
“I wish if my love for rain would go back to normal; like watching it from a window in a warm house, rather than celebrating rain cause it cleared our sky from planes for few hours”
They have been living under siege since two years.
“It all happened in a moment. I don’t remember how, but I came out alive from the rubble, while my family stayed underneath. I wished with all my heart I did not survive to witness this.”
Samer, 23 years old, at a medical point after being rescued from beneath the rubble of his home, has been living under siege since two years.
“Who says you need a specialist to fix your artificial leg?”
Jihad, 37 years old, lost his leg in an airstrike and has been living under siege since two years.
In collaboration with the Humans of Syria.